
The one thing that needs to be said about the 7/7 attackers is that they’re simply savage barbarians, operating completely outside any reasonable concept of human civilization. Those of us who live under the umbrella of civilization and the rational approach to life have to stand together in opposition to them, regardless of our politics.

The one thing that needs to be said about the 7/7 attackers is that they’re simply savage barbarians, operating completely outside any reasonable concept of human civilization. Those of us who live under the umbrella of civilization and the rational approach to life have to stand together in opposition to them, regardless of our politics.

2 thoughts on “Barbarians”

  1. Absolutely. Right now it would seem we need to pay a little more attention to terrorist targets other than airlines. Frisking Gramma isn’t going to keep them out at our borders. Last year of over a million OTM (Other Than Mexican) illegal immigrants ordered to report for hearings 700,000 failed to show up so are assumed to be still in the US. There isn’t room in the jails to detain them. That is just last year. How many active cells do you think are busily at work here?

  2. I’m reminded of the words of bard Charles Olson: Blood is the Food of Those Gone Mad

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