Daily Meta-Blog

Thursday’s line score in the battle of the Blogs: VodkaPundit 33, Instapundit 28 Reynolds upped the ante a bit, returning to his old form after a couple of days of slacking-off, but Stephen is in the Zone and will not be denied. Insta tried to catch the Newbie in the death-grip of mutual admiration by … Continue reading “Daily Meta-Blog”

Thursday’s line score in the battle of the Blogs: VodkaPundit 33, Instapundit 28

Reynolds upped the ante a bit, returning to his old form after a couple of days of slacking-off, but Stephen is in the Zone and will not be denied. Insta tried to catch the Newbie in the death-grip of mutual admiration by sucking-up to one of his posts, but it didn’t work.

Take heart, Professor — even Steve Austin couldn’t be champ forever.

Meanwhile, back at the Fox News ranch, pundits Breen and Jacobs discuss Andrea Yates. Breen says killer mom’s a loon, and Jacobs says it’s the man’s fault.

Megan McArdle says get your red hot videotapes right here:

Daniel Pearl Videotape

R Kelly Videotape