— Ken Layne has renamed me after that other Bennett, the one who had to quit smoking so he could be the Drug Czar, so now I’m going to enforce strict moral standards on everybody:
William Bennett has more on the lousy SF Chronicle, but adds that the Merc ain’t exactly the model newspaper — especially since Joanne Jacobs quit. And, as Searls notes, the pioneering Mercury News site got swallowed by Knight Ridder, leading to a very ugly, ad-heavy site. KR also ruined the Dave Barry archives.
I went to the Univ. of Texas as an undergrad when Bill was working on his doctorate in Philosophy under John Silber and playing drums in a rock band (that’s a true fact), and I’m pretty sure we aren’t the same guy. I could never get along with philosopher king Silber, for one thing; and for another, I played bass.
By the way, all the article numbers are screwed-up since I took my blog over to Sonic, so the article on the Chron and the Murk is now at this number.