Ted Rall, war profiteer

— With all this absurd whining from the anti-American left about warbloggers being war profiteers (spectacularly dissected by James Lileks), it seems appropriate to look behind the smokescreen and see who’s actually profiting from the war on terror. One fine pair of war profiteers appeared on the soon-to-be-shitcanned TV program, Politically Incorrect, Wednesday night: egomaniacal … Continue reading “Ted Rall, war profiteer”

— With all this absurd whining from the anti-American left about warbloggers being war profiteers (spectacularly dissected by James Lileks), it seems appropriate to look behind the smokescreen and see who’s actually profiting from the war on terror. One fine pair of war profiteers appeared on the soon-to-be-shitcanned TV program, Politically Incorrect, Wednesday night: egomaniacal cartoonist (and cartoon editorialist) Ted Rall, and his buddy Bill Maher. This pair were touting their new book,
To Afghanistan and Back, an alleged account of Rall’s death-defying trip to Afghanistan. Now I wouldn’t normally tout a Rall product, but given the absurd claim that we warbloggers are rolling in warbucks, it deserves mention solely for the purpose of underscoring the hypocrisy of the idiot Rall, best known for his vicious attack on Daniel Pearl’s widow (who doesn’t happen to be eligible for WTC compensation, as far as I know.)

I didn’t hear a thing about donating the proceeds of this book to help the millions of Afghanis we’ve allegedly carpet-bombed into another dimension. Not a word about helping Palestinians with their funeral expenses, or even anything on the homeless cats and dogs which are probably the sole extent of Maher’s concern about the WTC destruction. And of course, this book certainly would not be possible without the escort provided Rall by the American Armed Forces, at taxpayer expense.

As far as I can tell, Rall and Maher intend to spend the proceeds of this bit of anti-American sensationalism entertaining bimbos they picked up at the Playboy mansion on Hefner’s 76th birthday. So who’s the war profiteer, and who’s going to buy their book? Not this blogger.

5 thoughts on “Ted Rall, war profiteer”

  1. Holy cow, have you SEEN the babes at Hef’s place? I would tell them I am Pol Pot if that would help get me some bootie.

    Where the hell are your priorities, sir?

  2. The Right has totally profitted from Sept.11 — The welfare handouts to Big Business directly after the collapse of the WTC is obvious proof of that.

    The Airline’s got welfare in the billions of dollars by saying they were broke – as they brokered multi-million dollar luxury deals and laid-off good Americans – and even though their fighting of airline security for 15 years created the very “window of opportunity” that allowed the terrorists to stomp our asses! They should’nt have gotten a dime due to their negligence that led to the WTC collapse.

    But who got paid like a Pimp after 9-11? Big Businesses. “Down-payment on the next election.”


    The Right profitted 1000000% PERCENT more than the left.

    Big Business on Welfare, Domestic-spying back in style, the Bill of Rights in tatters as the Flag waves: Sounds like a Republican’s wet dream come true to me.

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