Pot, kettle

— The pseudonymous author of Warblogger Watch criticizes: The patronizing and racist Asparagirl (don’t you know that hiding behind a psudonym [sic] is like a terrorist hiding behind a ski mask, babe?) while pretending to be “Eric A. Blair” (George Orwell’s real name). The poor thing’s quite insane.

— The pseudonymous author of Warblogger Watch criticizes:

The patronizing and racist Asparagirl (don’t you know that hiding behind a psudonym [sic] is like a terrorist hiding behind a ski mask, babe?)

while pretending to be “Eric A. Blair” (George Orwell’s real name). The poor thing’s quite insane.

2 thoughts on “Pot, kettle”

  1. What an insult to George Orwell!! If he could see him he would probably have a very weary expression, shake his head an murmur “poor little man…”

  2. Of course, we know that you’re a black lesbian hiding behind the mantle of a reactionary middle-aged loon. Your mask fools no-one, Dicky-boy.

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