The Bush Doctrine

— The president reiterated the Bush Doctrine as he prepared to meet with Crown Prince Abdullah at the ranch next week: “In the Middle East, where acts of terror have triggered mounting violence, all parties have a choice to make,” the president said. “Every leader, every state must choose between two separate paths: the path … Continue reading “The Bush Doctrine”

— The president reiterated the Bush Doctrine as he prepared to meet with Crown Prince Abdullah at the ranch next week:

“In the Middle East, where acts of terror have triggered mounting violence, all parties have a choice to make,” the president said. “Every leader, every state must choose between two separate paths: the path of peace or the path of terror.”

Given the Saudis’ role in greasing the skids of Wahabbist terrorism for lo these many years, that’s going to be an interesting meeting, even without pork ribs and hound dogs.