Exploding brains

— Bay Guardian Lit – May 2002 reviews Rebecca Blood’s blog books: Nothing like publishing books on allegedly “hot” new technologies to make those technologies jump eagerly into the ashcan of history. So let’s raise our bottles of caffeinated fruit soda to Perseus Books for publishing two new books (forthcoming in July) on the latest … Continue reading “Exploding brains”

Bay Guardian Lit – May 2002 reviews Rebecca Blood’s blog books:

Nothing like publishing books on allegedly “hot” new technologies to make those technologies jump eagerly into the ashcan of history. So let’s raise our bottles of caffeinated fruit soda to Perseus Books for publishing two new books (forthcoming in July) on the latest neato thing the kids are playing with: blogs! Both are projects of Rebecca Blood, apparently a “famous” blogger, and are cunningly titled We’ve Got Blog: How Weblogs Are Changing Our Culture and The Weblog Handbook: Practical Advice on Creating and Maintaining Your Blog. How nice. Precisely the sorts of things that someone who identifies herself in flap copy as a “freelance web-development consultant” would write. We can practically hear the sound of exploding brains as they splatter against a thousand bloggers’ computer monitors. Maybe it’s time to go back to reading the newspaper.

I would say the Old, Big Media is just going snarky on Hot New Tech, but I suspect they’ve nailed it, based on the previews of Blood’s books that I’ve seen. But I was wrong once before, so anything’s possible.

Via Blood’s blog.

3 thoughts on “Exploding brains”

  1. To think I did it without a book… Well, I do have a copy of HTML 4 for Dummies Quick Reference. I can hear it now: “Blogging howtos are _so_ May 2002!”

  2. See, Andrea, you’re so dumb you didn’t know you couldn’t build a blog without a book. And since I copied your template, I’m even dumber.

    But there has to be a “Blogging for Dummies” somewhere – I see the evidence every day.

  3. If there isn’t there will be! And then there will be an “Idiot’s How to Blog,” and then that publisher who puts out all those books with the animals on the cover — O’Reilly? — will publish “Blogs, the Definitive Manual.” Then all the pundits will write snarky “Blogs are last year’s black” articles and Wired will put Blogger on the “Not Hot” list and everyone will start blabbing about the latest technology that lets you download the internet directly into your cerebral cortex, so you don’t need a desktop, just a wetware feed.

    Me, I keep a manual typewriter on the shelf behind me, _just in case_.

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