Shady journalism

It’s hard for me to comment on this story about Iraq the Model that Jeff Jarvis writes about today without using lots of profanity to describe this Sarah Boxer character who wrote it. Suffice to say the story is factually wrong on several counts, not to mention hateful. Iraq the Model is not hosted on … Continue reading “Shady journalism”

It’s hard for me to comment on this story about Iraq the Model that Jeff Jarvis writes about today without using lots of profanity to describe this Sarah Boxer character who wrote it. Suffice to say the story is factually wrong on several counts, not to mention hateful. Iraq the Model is not hosted on a server belonging to CIA Tech Solutions and it never has been. It’s on Blogspot and always has been. Some guy associated with CIA Tech took it on himself to register some alternate domain names for a number of Iraqi blogs, including ITM and Riverbend’s, but he did so on his own and never hosted these blogs. This is explained in the comments to the Martini Republic posting that was apparently the sole source for Boxer’s article.

Sarah Boxer has just put the lives of the ITM bloggers in jeopardy on the basis of a lie. There is a special place in hell for people like her, and the sooner she finds it* the better this world will be.

(*not that I intend to send her there, mind you.)

UPDATE: Now some may argue that Boxer simply doesn’t understand the difference between a web host and a name service. If that’s the case, why did the New York Times assign her a story about a blog?

3 thoughts on “Shady journalism”

  1. You are getting awfully close to incitement to violence, Richard. Not a good place to be in light of all the rhetoric coming from the right about being ‘anti-tyrant’ and ‘pro-democracy’.

  2. “… doesn?t understand the difference between a web host and a name service. If that?s the case, why did the New York Times assign her a story about a blog?”
    Perhaps because the NYT ‘elite’ doesn’t care to talk to those who run their online site?
    Not that I think the author cared anyway. She wasn’t writing an opinion column, she was wrting a gossip column.

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