If you want your children to be impaired, feed them a strict vegetarian diet.
Mentally-impaired children
If you want your children to be impaired, feed them a strict vegetarian diet.
If you want your children to be impaired, feed them a strict vegetarian diet.
If you want your children to be impaired, feed them a strict vegetarian diet.
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Guess we shouldn’t be outsourcing to India.
Do they have vegans in India?
Don’t know. There sure are a lot of strict vegetarians though.
Some nutritionists have observed that Indian vegetarians get a lot of animal protein in their food from all the bugs and rat droppings. When Indians move to the West, they often have vitamin deficiency all of a sudden because the food supply is so much cleaner.
But there’s enough milk and butter in the Indian vegetarian diet (and often fish) that it’s not really strict by the standards of vegans.
But maybe it’s the rocks in the dhal.
aokayin erdfcv http://tyghbnagka.com/