Is Blogistan a white male ghetto?

It’s amazing what a little evidence does to conventional wisdom. This Steven Levy character was whining earlier in the week about the dominance of the evil white man in the blogosphere, and there was lots of cluck-clucking around it, but nobody questioned the premise. Well here’s the The Blogosphere Ecosystem’s Traffic Ranking of top blogs: … Continue reading “Is Blogistan a white male ghetto?”

It’s amazing what a little evidence does to conventional wisdom. This Steven Levy character was whining earlier in the week about the dominance of the evil white man in the blogosphere, and there was lots of cluck-clucking around it, but nobody questioned the premise. Well here’s the The Blogosphere Ecosystem’s Traffic Ranking of top blogs:

1) Daily Kos 326004 visits/day (3)
2) Gizmodo 175938 visits/day (100)
3) 160929 visits/day (1)
4) Gawker 146854 visits/day (129)
5) Defamer 143443 visits/day (397)
6) lgf: don’t panic right away 95297 visits/day (2)
7) Eschaton 87070 visits/day (7)
8) Power Line 61442 visits/day (4)
9) Wankette 56427 visits/day (37)
10) Michelle Malkin 38947 visits/day (5)

It looks to me like three or four are white male enterprises: Instapundit, LGF, Power Line, and maybe Gizmodo. Four are owned by homosexual foreigner Nick Denton (Gizmodo, Gawker, Defamer, and Wankette), the top one by a Greek-Hispanic, and at least a couple are joint exercises between boys and girls (Eschaton and Kos.)

So the next time somebody wants to play the Oliver Willis game with the blogosphere, check the facts before explaining.

4 thoughts on “Is Blogistan a white male ghetto?”

  1. Dammit, there’s no black conservative gay blogs up there!

    Even Jeff Gannon’s not on the list!

    Seriously, what a non-story; I’m not blaming you or anyone.

    I think it’s a slow news day, or at least the blogosphere doesn’t want to get hot and bothered about Chinese real estate.

    But that’s just me.

  2. Steven Levy’s the latest to float a popular Urban Legend about the blogosphere, and I’m just fact-checking his MSM ass.

    China has plenty of real estate, doesn’t it?

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