Damn filthy Jews

Here are Cindy Sheehan’s own words about the Iraq War and stuff: Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the Army to protect America, not Israel. Am I stupid? No, I know … Continue reading “Damn filthy Jews”

Here are Cindy Sheehan’s own words about the Iraq War and stuff:

Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the Army to protect America, not Israel. Am I stupid? No, I know full-well that my son, my family, this nation, and this world were betrayed by a George Bush who was influenced by the neo-con PNAC agenda after 9/11. We were told that we were attacked on 9/11 because the terrorists hate our freedoms and democracy…not for the real reason, becuase the Arab-Muslims who attacked us hate our middle-eastern foreign policy. That hasn’t changed since America invaded and occupied Iraq…in fact it has gotten worse.

This notion of terrorism as a foreign policy critique is one of the amazing all-time leaps of logic. But there it is, let no one claim we aren’t fair and balanced at Mossback’s place.

h/t Protein Wisdom.

13 thoughts on “Damn filthy Jews”

  1. I’ve noticed that people who think PNAC has any power whatsoever, let alone controls the Executive (and evidently somehow Congress as well) are without any exceptions so far, complete moonbats.

    Useful heuristic.

  2. It’s not a leap in logic. It’s basic deductive reasoning. For a lot of Islamist extremists, hate Israel = hate America. This has been true since the 1970s. You’d be blind not to know that.

  3. Islamist terrorists have attacked many nations and people that never had beans to do with Israel, such as France, Turkey, the UK, and Bali.

    The world is not so simple that every bad thing that happens is the fault of Jews.

  4. George Sr. was a CIA goon for many years.
    He went to Iraq because he was told by those rich and filthies he must do it or else.
    Same rich and filthies made a deal that W will be elected for two terms in return he has to do, say what they tell him to do and say.
    9/11 planned financed and executed by those rich and filthies. TO: 1- change the preception of the mass from OK muslems to Terrorist Muslems. 2- to get rid of Saddam that was helping Yasser and his people.

  5. I admire Cindy Sheehan. She’s intelligent and has cojones. Who else in America has the guts these days to stand up and admit that America is Israel’s mercenary in the Middle East (all the while American can’t even take care of its own in the wake of Katrina)?

    I say impeach that imbecile of a putz W., then hold a national referendum on Iraq, Israel, and the millions of American dollars drained each year by Israel.

    Cindy’s right. He son died for Israel, and W. and every bagel-munching neokonservative ought to held accountable for those innocent deaths.


  6. There you go Richard – Yehuda offers irrefutible proof that those dirty Jews are the cause of all the worlds troubles.

    Didn’t we hold a ‘referendum on Iraq, Israel’ a couple of years ago – and we voted Mr. Bush back in? Oh wait… those big conspiracy, stole the election ‘facts’ – keep forgetting them.

  7. Yehuda, I don’t generally allow Nazis to post comments on my blog but I’m going to let yours stand because they’re so typical of the degenerate condition of our anti-war movement. You really should study politics a bit before spewing this kind of nonsensical crap where decent people can see it.

  8. Unfornately Israel will always recieve aid due to the jews on the left and their influence on the right until another political party thats not influenced by jews comes to power. which I hope is soon. The majority of arab hate stems from americas unfair support for jewland, which the u.s gives them the most economic and military aid in the world and the country is the size of new jersey and nothing goes to the palastinians other than to kill, torture and bulldoze there homes. Now label me a Nazi because if I’m a Nazi then I’m evil and that equeals racist than anything I wrote becomes meaningless. Although Im not racist and have friends of many races. But thats how you filthy jews work so I’LL take the label of nazi as a compliment.

  9. I admire Cindy Sheehan. She’s intelligent and has cojones. Who else in America has the guts these days to stand up and admit that America is Israel’s mercenary in the Middle East (all the while American can’t even take care of its own in the wake of Katrina)?

    It takes absolutely no bravery or effort to critize, mock or even threaten American Politicians. It’s a fashionable, risk free exercise, that only garners points with clueless and naive fools.

  10. Islamist terrorists have attacked many nations and people that never had beans to do with Israel, such as France, Turkey, the UK, and Bali.

    Lets not forget India. I believe more Muslims have been displaced and killed over Kashmir than by any conflict between the Arabs and the Israelis, so this whole focus on Israel is a little suspicious if you take the Islamists grivances at face value.

    BTW Richard, what did you do to attract such virulent and stupid assclowns? Are you trolling the storm front forums or something?

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