Mark Cuban is thumping the drum on the Genarlow Wilson case, a gross miscarriage of justice in Georgia:
For those who don’t know. Genarlow Wilson was sentenced to 10 years in jail for doing something every 17 year old I knew, including me, tried to do. He is two years into this nightmare that only makes the State of Georgia a posterchild for mistrust in government.
It’s a fine example of legislating morality, blind punishment, and the oppression of mankind’s most basic instincts. The way to help is to contribute to a Georgia fathers’ rights or men’s rights organization because they’re the only ones working to reform the laws that Genarlow was prosecuted under. Read the ESPN story here and the New York Times story here.
Genarlow Wilson may not be a model citizen in the Disneyland sense, but his failings are perfectly normal for a teenaged boy, and considerably less significant than those of Pastor Ted Haggard or Congressman Mark Foley. Neither of them is behind bars and Genarlow shouldn’t be either.