— The Alexa system has revised its rankings, and they appear much more accurate (according to my intuition), with one caveat: they now throw away sub-domain information, so all Blogspot-hosted sites have the same ranking, 2098, all weblogs.com sites rank 8663, and all weblogger.com sites rank 28,054. Redirected sites flash different numbers as they redirect, … Continue reading “Alexa”
— The Alexa system has revised its rankings, and they appear much more accurate (according to my intuition), with one caveat: they now throw away sub-domain information, so all Blogspot-hosted sites have the same ranking, 2098, all weblogs.com sites rank 8663, and all weblogger.com sites rank 28,054. Redirected sites flash different numbers as they redirect, like Kausfiles, which ends up lower on Slate than at the original domain. Tech blogs generally do better than they should. Here are some of the rankings for blogs with unique domains:
NRO 4,693
Arts and Letters Daily 11,657
Andrew Sullivan 14,875
Daypop 15,249
James Lileks 18,495
Corante 38,001
Den Beste 63,313
LGF 67,691
Josh Marshall 78,461
Kausfiles 84,276
Tony Pierce 84,425
Matt Welch 100,843
Ken Layne 105,125
Va. Postrel 109,420
Omphalos 131,874
Bill Quick 139,748
RageBoy 151,041
VodkaDude 159,358
Nick Denton 178,128
Suman Palit 208,531
Rand Simberg 214,935
Protein Wisdom 226,392
Joanne Jacobs 253,214
Jeff Jarvis 286,929
More Than Zero 320,194
The Number One web site: Yahoo; number one newspaper: N. Y. Times, 82 overall.