— In the interest of starting a constructive dialog between war blogers and the anti-life HTML technician bloggers allied with the Prince of Darkness, I dropped the following note on the Doc (of what?) Searls Weblog
I’ve got a real dilemma on my hands – jeneane talks about the warbloggers [sic] unwillingness to see the other side, and Doc says that being pro-war is being pro-killing and death. My dilemma, of course, is that I can’t decide which of these remarks is more stupid, vapid, self-serving, and asinine.
In favor of “seeing the other side,” it would help me if jeneane or someone else who feels that way would kindly explain the side that believes that bombing the WTC and the Pentagon on Sept. 11 was a Good Thing. I haven’t heard a persuasive argument for that point of view, but I don’t deny that there might be one in some parallel universe. Factually, even people who have a hard-on against Western Civilization admit that the attack created backlash and didn’t help their cause.
In favor of “pro-war is pro-death” we have the fact that war is seen by its proponents as appropriate in some circumstances and inappropriate in others, where the ultimate goal is bringing peace and protecting life. Being pro-war because you think the just war brings peace and security is certainly no more contradictory than selling a magazine promoting free software; it’s a means to an end. And don’t talk to me about Gandhi, because he was very clear about the fact that his tactics only worked because the British were fundamentally moral and decent. You can’t shame somebody who has no conscience.
Since I’ve been logging my thoughts on the Web since 1994, I’ve enjoyed seeing the work of newbie bloggers who’ve come online in the last 5 years; but let’s not get too arrogant about our points of view or pedigrees, OK?
See the next article for the links to what I was commenting on.