Free Software Foundation award

— Guido van Rossum Awarded the Free Software Foundation Award for the Advancement of Free Software Brussels, Belgium – Saturday, February 16, 2002 – The Free Software Foundation (FSF) bestowed today its fourth annual FSF Award for the Advancement of Free Software. FSF President and founder, Richard Stallman, presented the award to Guido van Rossum … Continue reading “Free Software Foundation award”

Guido van Rossum Awarded the Free Software Foundation Award for the Advancement of Free Software

Brussels, Belgium – Saturday, February 16, 2002 – The Free Software Foundation (FSF) bestowed today its fourth annual FSF Award for the Advancement of Free Software. FSF President and founder, Richard Stallman, presented the award to Guido van Rossum for inventing and implementing as Free Software the Python programming language.

But the boy still has a day job at Zope. Those day jobs can be annoying.

World domination

— My plan for world domination progresses apace, as I have once again become the most famous Richard Bennett in the world (according to Google), but I remain behind two others as only the third most famous Bennett. Bennett College and Sen. Bob Bennett (R, Utah) are more linked than I, sadly. While I might … Continue reading “World domination”

— My plan for world domination progresses apace, as I have once again become the most famous Richard Bennett in the world (according to Google), but I remain behind two others as only the third most famous Bennett. Bennett College and Sen. Bob Bennett (R, Utah) are more linked than I, sadly. While I might take solace in being more famous than William Bennett and Tony Bennett, I cannot rest until these interlopers are vanquished. Now if only I could induce the Professor, the Postrel, and the ReadJacobs to link me, I might achieve my goal. Will someone tell me what Reynolds likes to drink or smoke? If it’s all about intellectual acumen, I’m in trouble. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming (in Python.)

Pot, kettle

— The pseudonymous author of Warblogger Watch criticizes: The patronizing and racist Asparagirl (don’t you know that hiding behind a psudonym [sic] is like a terrorist hiding behind a ski mask, babe?) while pretending to be “Eric A. Blair” (George Orwell’s real name). The poor thing’s quite insane.

— The pseudonymous author of Warblogger Watch criticizes:

The patronizing and racist Asparagirl (don’t you know that hiding behind a psudonym [sic] is like a terrorist hiding behind a ski mask, babe?)

while pretending to be “Eric A. Blair” (George Orwell’s real name). The poor thing’s quite insane.

Can’t we all get along?

— Don’t you just hate it when people argue and fight like cats and dogs? Jonah Goldberg misbehaves today, lashing out at dear, sweet, Cynthia McKinney (D. Ga): Well, just let me just say that I am not aware of any evidence that Ms. McKinney has murdered several children or that she personally profited from … Continue reading “Can’t we all get along?”

— Don’t you just hate it when people argue and fight like cats and dogs? Jonah Goldberg misbehaves today, lashing out at dear, sweet, Cynthia McKinney (D. Ga):

Well, just let me just say that I am not aware of any evidence that Ms. McKinney has murdered several children or that she personally profited from sleeping with the entire defensive squad of the Atlanta Falcons. However, a complete investigation might reveal that to be the case.

Meanwhile, while we await the findings of that long-overdue investigation, I can add that there is ample evidence that Ms. McKinney is dumber than rock salt and more repugnant than Yasser Arafat’s three-week-old underwear.

It appears that McKinney belongs to the Rebecca Blood Conspiracy-of-the-Month club.

Linked by The World’s Greatest Blog.

Litigious war profiteer

— One way to terrorize people in America, when there aren’t any widows to kick around and you need to beat-up on somebody, is with frivolous lawsuits. Check this by one of the targets of war profiteer Rall’s random rage (FREE DIRTY DANNY!) And I was just one of many who were appalled by this … Continue reading “Litigious war profiteer”

— One way to terrorize people in America, when there aren’t any widows to kick around and you need to beat-up on somebody, is with frivolous lawsuits. Check this by one of the targets of war profiteer Rall’s random rage (FREE DIRTY DANNY!)

And I was just one of many who were appalled by this specious hatchet job. When Russ Smith, the publisher of the New York Press wrote an editorial criticizing Rall’s Voice feature, I was overjoyed to contribute the accompanying illustration, which depicted Rall as a small dog urinating on a bronze statue of the Pulitzer Prize-winning MAUS author. In hindsight, I wish I’d let that illustration be the final expression of my disgust with Rall’s anti-Spiegelman slam-piece, but I let my strong feelings about the Voice feature get the better of me.

Rall brags in one of the articles that a year doesn’t go by when he’s not taking someone to court. He’s a great national treasure (of Iraq, maybe.)

Rebecca’s Paranoia

— Do you believe the government was behind 9/11? Rebecca Blood does: “Were the clues found by law enforcement officers planted to mislead the search for the perpetrators of 9.11? I’ve been wondering, and so does Stratfor.” Check it out.

— Do you believe the government was behind 9/11? Rebecca Blood does: “Were the clues found by law enforcement officers planted to mislead the search for the perpetrators of 9.11? I’ve been wondering, and so does Stratfor.” Check it out.

The Fan Club

— Doubting Thomas has declared himself president of the Omphalos Fan Club: General Richard “Beef-n-Curry” Bennett Not only did GEN Bennett win an amazing 10 Congressional Medals of Honor as an infantry officer in Vietnam, he also invented the light bulb, pocket pizza, space travel, the video game TRON, and the French language. As you … Continue reading “The Fan Club”

Doubting Thomas has declared himself president of the Omphalos Fan Club:

General Richard “Beef-n-Curry” Bennett
Not only did GEN Bennett win an amazing 10 Congressional Medals of Honor as an infantry officer in Vietnam, he also invented the light bulb, pocket pizza, space travel, the video game TRON, and the French language. As you recall, GEN Bennett was the young Captain in the Battle of Dak To who ordered a napalm strike on the infamous VC-run “Number Ten” Noodle Shop, which subsequently saved 5,000 people from getting a stomach ache and the shits. He also participated in Operation Buddy Hackett, which was a CIA campaign to root out irony in the Mekong Delta in 1969.

It’s very fine piece of work, and we should all encourage Tommy to take all his meds everyday.

Under-reported blog traffic

— John Scalzi (mentioned below as “some idiot”) writes in to defend his opinion that blogger stats are inflated. He’s heard of firewalls, and wrote about them in the follow-up to the blogger-bashing article cited by Rebecca Blood. But he doesn’t seem to understand how widespread firewall use is, noting ” numerous small businesses don’t … Continue reading “Under-reported blog traffic”

— John Scalzi (mentioned below as “some idiot”) writes in to defend his opinion that blogger stats are inflated. He’s heard of firewalls, and wrote about them in the follow-up to the blogger-bashing article cited by Rebecca Blood. But he doesn’t seem to understand how widespread firewall use is, noting ” numerous small businesses don’t use firewalls.” Funny he should say that. The most popular router for small businesses is the Cisco 7200, a device that I used to write code for. The most requested feature on the 7200 was, guess what, a firewall. Nobody wants to surf the web without one, they’re even in common use in multi-computer homes, as Myria points out in her comments on my original post on this subject.

Scalzi also opines that AOL’s caching of popular pages doesn’t affect IP counts: “I doubt that ‘blog sites, typically modestly visited and with relatively few graphics, are cached frequently by AOL (I worked at AOL for
some time and have some understanding of their caching criteria, so I’m not
entirely pulling this out of my ass.” So let’s pull some data out of our referrer logs since our asses are busy inflating our numbers. In my top ten visitors list, I find three entries that look like this: “” This looks to me like a visit from AOL’s cache server. Am I wrong? So the bottom line is this: visitor counts are depressed by proxies, firewalls, NAT boxes, and AOL cache servers. They’re inflated by the alleged practice of AOL altering IP addresses in mid-session (do they really do that? It would play hell on routing if they did – AT&T Cable assigns you an IP address once and they never change it.) On the whole, these things clearly weigh in favor of depressed visitor counts, so page views is a better measure of traffic than anything else, and we don’t get page views from print because they can’t be calculated.

Scalzi also tells me that he’s a good buddy of war profiteer and generally disgusting sack of refuse Ted Rall. But in Scalzi’s defense, Bill Quick also says he’s a buddy of Scalzi, so the AOL man can’t be all bad. One degree of separation between Rall and Quick means we live in a strange world, but not one so strange we need it explained by the likes of Rebecca Blood, who remains firmly embedded in the clueless file.

Looking at Scalzi’s and Blood’s websites today, I find Scalzi saying “There is nothing more pathetic than a dad alone with his kid in the early afternoon.” and Blood calling women an “oppressed group.” I rest my case.