John Cole on Radio

Check out John Cole on Jeff Goldstein’s radio show today at 3:00PM EDT. John is the spokesman for rational conservatism, meaning those of us who oppose tyranny and aren’t god-botherers. UPDATE: He did well. There has traditionally been conflict between conservatives and libertarians in the Republican Party, the conservative overreach on Schiavo, judges, and creationism … Continue reading “John Cole on Radio”

Check out John Cole on Jeff Goldstein’s radio show today at 3:00PM EDT. John is the spokesman for rational conservatism, meaning those of us who oppose tyranny and aren’t god-botherers.

UPDATE: He did well. There has traditionally been conflict between conservatives and libertarians in the Republican Party, the conservative overreach on Schiavo, judges, and creationism has brought it to the surface again. Unfortunately, most (religious) conservatives have very little respect for the rule of law when it means their religion has to recede into the background.

5 thoughts on “John Cole on Radio”

  1. Wasn’t able to hear the show, but balloon-juice is becoming one of my favorite blogs. Cole is another articulate voice opposing the Know Nothing’s attempt to hijack the government.

  2. You wrote: “Unfortunately, most conservatives have very little respect for the rule of law when it means their religion has to recede into the background.”

    I don’t accept the equation of conservative with religious right wing. Doesn’t conservatism have to include commitment to the constitution? or be something else entirely.

  3. OK, I should have said “most RELIGIOUS conservatives have very little respect…” because there is such a thing as non-religious conservatism (neo-cons, for example.)

  4. Whew, thought for a minute there you were dissing all conservatives. As to neoconservatives, I think they popped up from the dragons’ teeth when Irving Kristol defined them: “A neoconservative is a liberal who’s been mugged by reality.” But most leave off ‘by reality’.

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