David Corn headed for prison

It turns out that the Plame leaker wasn’t Judith Miller, it was David Corn: May notes that in Bob Novak’s column that first outed Valerie Wilson, Novak described her as “an Agency operative on weapons of mass destruction.” He argues that this did not reveal Valerie Wilson as a truly undercover CIA officer–what’s known as … Continue reading “David Corn headed for prison”

It turns out that the Plame leaker wasn’t Judith Miller, it was David Corn:

May notes that in Bob Novak’s column that first outed Valerie Wilson, Novak described her as “an Agency operative on weapons of mass destruction.” He argues that this did not reveal Valerie Wilson as a truly undercover CIA officer–what’s known as a NOC (an officer under “nonofficial cover”). He then points out that when I wrote about the Novak column two days later, I referred to Valerie Wilson as “a U.S. intelligence officer working covertly in a field of vital important to national security.” Breathlessly, May writes, “Since Novak did not report that Plame was ‘working covertly’ how did Corn know that’s what she had been doing?” His answer: Joseph Wilson must have told me when I interviewed him after the Novak leak. Thus, Valerie Wilson was really outed by me because Joe Wilson leaked to me.

Larry O’Donnell would be an appropriate cell mate for him.

Cliff May summarizes:

The facts are these: (1) Bob Novak did not say that Valerie Plame was a secret agent; (2) David Corn did; (3) we don’t know who Bob’s sources were; (4) we know David’s source was Joe Wilson.

That’s clear enough.

13 thoughts on “David Corn headed for prison”

  1. One doesn’t need personal reports from Fitzgerald to know this.

    The gang of traitors, weasels, and chickenhawks is going down.

    Prepare to enjoy it.

  2. Oh, and I might add not only has David Corn already debunked this nonsense, but the narrative’s back on Bush today.

    Ha ha.

  3. Only David Corn could have blown Plame’s cover because only David Corn claimed she had one to blow. He’s a crucial part of the terror-weasel fantasy about all of this.

    No cover, no crime, and the cover was Corn’s fabrication.

  4. Richard that stance is completely overtaken by events.

    Right now, instead of posting silly paens to “No Child’s Behind” you might do better talking up the latest goose-stepper they’re grooming for Supreme Court justice; I understand that’s what’s supposed to distract us from the Rove drip-drip-drip.

    Not that it will, I’d say.

    My money’s on a fall finanical “correction.”

    Which will still allow us to dilligently focus on the crimes of this regime.

  5. Events have shown, Mummy, that Plamegate is a completely made-up scandal. There was no crime, there was no injustice; there was only Joe Wilson spreading lies that he hoped could never be corrected because of official secrecy, and boy was he ever mistaken.

    The more the weasels push this case, the sillier they look.

  6. Well, since you know that “events have shown” that, why not speak to Fitzgerald himself, and say, “go home, it’s a non-scandal.”

    The “sensitive memo” issue is the story of the day, you know.

    But, I also like the Findlaw article on whether Valerie Plame should sue Rove.

    Quite cool.

  7. Fitzgerald will reach his own conclusions in the fullness of time, just as Ken Starr did.

    The public information is very clear on the fact that Plame didn’t meet the legal definition of a covert agent, therefore no crime was committed in commenting on her employment. This has always been nothing more than a pseudo-scandal, whipped up by Democrat partisans to punish Rove for beating them at the polls.

    David Corn and Larry O’Donnell did it.

    Meanwhile, some interesting questions remain about Joe Wilson’s special relationship with Saddam Hussein. If a money trail can be found, I believe it will prove as interesting as the trail linking fascist George Galloway to Saddam. That’s what I hope Fitzgerald is pursuing.

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