We’re winning

This Pew Poll is good news: • Support for suicide bombings and other acts of violence in defense of Islam has dropped since 2002 by 34 percentage points in Lebanon, 12 points in Indonesia and 8 points in Pakistan. The exception to the trend is Jordan, where support increased by 14 points, to 57%. There … Continue reading “We’re winning”

This Pew Poll is good news:

• Support for suicide bombings and other acts of violence in defense of Islam has dropped since 2002 by 34 percentage points in Lebanon, 12 points in Indonesia and 8 points in Pakistan. The exception to the trend is Jordan, where support increased by 14 points, to 57%.

There are higher levels of support for suicide bombings that target Americans and their allies in Iraq, though they also have dropped. About half of Muslims in Lebanon, Jordan and Morocco said those attacks were justified.

• Confidence in bin Laden has fallen by double-digit margins in Indonesia, Morocco and Lebanon since 2003. In Lebanon, only 2% now express confidence in him.

It puts the lie to the claim that the liberation of Iraq has made more terrorists.

HT Orin Kerr.

4 thoughts on “We’re winning”

  1. yay!! no more terrorists! woohoo!

    so where do you get the names of the 17,000 people interviewed ? random dialing ?

    but if we’re winning, then how come Andrew Kohut, director of the Pew Research Center, said “But we have to put this in perspective. There still are very large percentages of people in the Muslim world who support suicide bombings … and say they have a high regard for Osama bin Laden.”

    how can there be “very large percentages”, if we’re winning ?

  2. oh, right. k.

    so as long as the percentages are decreasing, then it’s ok to say ‘winning’, no matter what the details. I see. k. I’ll remember that the next time I’m shoveling sand against the tide with a spoon.

    I’m so happy that we’re winning, though, cause with 66% of the US public thinking that we’re the military is bogged down

    and 56% says that the war “wasn’t worth it” (http://edition.cnn.com/2005/US/05/03/iraq.poll/)

    we sure could use evidence that we’re winning.


  3. Yes, we’re doing better in the Muslim world than in the West. I wonder what the Muslims know that our fellow citizens don’t, and why.

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