— Outside of Boston, the only press coverage on the Amirault injustice is this AP story (Mass. Gov. Refuses to Commute Sentence)
BOSTON — A mother whose child was abused at a day-care center applauded Acting Gov. Jane Swift’s decision to refuse to commute the sentence of a man who molested and raped eight children at the center.
which presumes that the conviction was just. Nobody wants to talk about the role of Common Cause boss Scott Harshbarger in coercing fantastic stories from the Fells Acres children.
Perhaps stories of that sort would cast a bad light on the Shays-Meehan bill sailing through Congress, a bill that Common Cause wrote and the liberal media dearly loves.
Only in the Blogosphere does the truth come out (OK, in the Wall St. Journal too, this time.)
Update: Naw, too paranoid. There’s no connection between a prosecutor’s using coercive and deceptive techniques to deprive individuals of their liberty and the Shays-Meehan Bill, and any appearance of same is purely coincidental. Shays-Meehan is simply designed to line the pockets of special interest groups like the NRA and, um, Common Cause. But more on that later.