All journalists, all the time

? Andrew Sullivan’s favorite blogs (Daily Dish) BLOG-ROLLING IN OUR TIME: Some of you have asked me to name a few other blogs out there that I read often and that you might enjoy. Of course, Instapundit rules. So does the never-boring Mickey Kaus.Virginia is prickly but perceptive; Matt Welch kicks ass; Tim Blair is … Continue reading “All journalists, all the time”

? Andrew Sullivan’s favorite blogs (Daily Dish)

BLOG-ROLLING IN OUR TIME: Some of you have asked me to name a few other blogs out there that I read often and that you might enjoy. Of course, Instapundit rules. So does the never-boring Mickey Kaus.Virginia is prickly but perceptive; Matt Welch kicks ass; Tim Blair is the Aussie to Joanne Jacobs’ Harriet; Ken Layne tells it like it is; Josh Marshall weighs in on the left; and newcomer John Ellis (friend and supporter) is the dark horse. They’re all acquired tastes ? so go acquire them.

It’s good to know we civilians can rant on all we want, secure in the knowledge that Sullivan will never read us, let alone lift ideas from our blogs. Heh.

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