Ben Gets a Dream Job

— Exceptionally talented blogger Ben Domenech landed a job with the White House speech-writing office this summer, which confirms the President’s good judgment. Let’s send him off with some choice lines. What would you like to hear the President say? That Saddam Hussein is a no count, shiftless hound dog? It’s late and I’m fresh … Continue reading “Ben Gets a Dream Job”

— Exceptionally talented blogger Ben Domenech landed a job with the White House speech-writing office this summer, which confirms the President’s good judgment. Let’s send him off with some choice lines. What would you like to hear the President say? That Saddam Hussein is a no count, shiftless hound dog? It’s late and I’m fresh out of cleverness, but I know some of the wags among the warbloggers can come up with some gems. Remember, it’s about the fate of the Free World.

2 thoughts on “Ben Gets a Dream Job”

  1. “When it comes to combatting terrorism, you’re either with us or against us. There is no middle ground. And Helen Thomas stuffs her undies with marbles.”

    Go ahead, keep it. I’ve got plenty.

  2. “Did you hear the one about the rabbi, the pedophile priest, and that rat bastard Palestinian gunman?” Oh, jeez, maybe this ain’t the time for those kind of jokes. Where’s that wisenheimer Jackie Mason when you need him?

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