Paternity Fraud

Assemblyman Rod Wright is trying to do something about paternity fraud, the practice whereby someone other than the father is designated as the child support obligor. Here’s the bill he proposes, and one letter of support.

Assemblyman Rod Wright is trying to do something about paternity fraud, the practice whereby someone other than the father is designated as the child support obligor. Here’s the bill he proposes, and one letter of support.

4 thoughts on “Paternity Fraud”

  1. I’m writing for some help. I think my husband is a victum of paternity fraud, but I’m not sure. An ex-girlfriend of my husband is suggesting that he is the father of her child. The timing was right, so he went on thinking that he was the father. Recently another man has been discovered. A friend of a friend of my husbands said that a man enter the mothers home while the friend was there and said that the man had distinct features that looked like the baby. My husband then tracked down the man to follow up on the suspicions. When the man and my husband met over a beer both men discovered that she was telling both of them that they were the father and had been getting child support from both of them. Also she has my husbands grandma believing this child is his and is getting money, diapers and other things for the child from his granny. We also have statements from her roommate that she knowingly is doing this. Her roommate said she ask if she thought she could get in trouble for this, and also had ask if she needed any thing from the store since my husbands grandmother was paying for it. This to me sounds like fraud and like she asked her roommate, I also would like to know if she could get in trouble for this? Please respond at [email protected] with your opinion. Thank you for your time. marcia willis

  2. She can only get in trouble for that if she lives in Vermont. Otherwise, she cannot be punished for her crimes of fraud. In fact, in most states, both men will have to continue paying child support even if they prove to the courts that they are not the fathers. Yes, even if the courts find that she is guilty of fraud, the men will almost surely be punished at least until the child turns 18, possibly longer. For more information, go to

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