Paternity fraud bill

— Here’s a note from Dianna Thompson of the ACFC about Rod Wright’s bill: Seventy-five Paternity Fraud victims and their families flooded the chambers of the California State Assembly’s Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, April 16, 2002 to plead for passage of AB 2240, the “California Paternity Justice Act of 2002.” The victims came from hundreds … Continue reading “Paternity fraud bill”

— Here’s a note from Dianna Thompson of the ACFC about Rod Wright’s bill:

Seventy-five Paternity Fraud victims and their families flooded the
chambers of the California State Assembly’s Judiciary Committee on
Tuesday, April 16, 2002 to plead for passage of AB 2240, the “California
Paternity Justice Act of 2002.”

The victims came from hundreds of miles around to voice their outrage over
the state of California’s complicity in a fraud which victimizes hundreds
of thousands of Americans each year. In particularly moving testimony, the
young daughter of a now-impoverished paternity fraud victim asked the
committee to pass the bill which would allow her and her family to get
their lives back.

Despite some lengthy questioning from a couple of the Assembly members,
the bill emerged from the hearing alive and well. The committee decided it
needed more time to study the bill, and postponed the hearing for two weeks.

The hostility of chair Ellen Corbett is the chief obstacle to the passage of this bill, and she needs for some constituents to pay her a visit.

2 thoughts on “Paternity fraud bill”

  1. We are going through the same thing. We had to fight just to see him gain after 9 years of forming a realationship. These women need to be help accountable for there acts, not just loss a pay check.

  2. We are going through the same thing. We had to fight just to see him gain after 9 years of forming a realationship. These women need to be help accountable for there acts, not just loss a pay check.

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