Another great war profiteer gathering

— Happy Fun Pundit Steve hosted a great party for war profiteers at his palatial digs in San Leandro. We immoral philistines feasted on pheasant tongues, shark fins, caviar, and Dom Perignon provided by the bounty of our hawkishness, served to us by liveried servants as we basked in the hot tub and disco-danced in … Continue reading “Another great war profiteer gathering”

Happy Fun Pundit Steve hosted a great party for war profiteers at his palatial digs in San Leandro. We immoral philistines feasted on pheasant tongues, shark fins, caviar, and Dom Perignon provided by the bounty of our hawkishness, served to us by liveried servants as we basked in the hot tub and disco-danced in camos with live ammo. OK, not exactly like that, but between Mr. and Mrs. Random Jottings, the keeper of Plato’s cave, the erudite Craig Schamps, the brilliant Peter and Christina, and the formidable Joanne Jacobs, we pretty well solved all the world’s problems once and for all. I hope everybody got home safely.

Steve was at the recent Media/Blogger conspiracy summit in Los Angeles sponsored by the founding editors of the Right Wing False Consciousness Collective, and Joanne was just in London conferring with the Samizdata, so we all have our marching orders from WarBlog Central Command now, and new insight into the true nature of, so the juggernaut is unstoppable. Peace-loving types had best quake with fear.

Warbloggers are clearly some of the best-read and smartest people in the planet, which must have something to do with why the Prison-Industrial Complex has chosen us to do its dirty work.

Update: John took pictures.