VA Linux implosion

— There’s an interesting article on VA Linux in the print edition of Red Herring, but it’s not on their web site. The gist of it is what VA Linux had the largest first-day pop in history, jumping from $30 to $2 hundred and something, but now they’re down around $2. Selling servers with Linux … Continue reading “VA Linux implosion”

— There’s an interesting article on VA Linux in the print edition of Red Herring, but it’s not on their web site. The gist of it is what VA Linux had the largest first-day pop in history, jumping from $30 to $2 hundred and something, but now they’re down around $2. Selling servers with Linux didn’t turn out to be an actual business, so they’ve laid off about 400 of their 560 workers, and now hope to make a business out of SourceForge for the Enterprise. Herring doesn’t want to make the claim that Linux is down for the count, but until someone can figure out how to make money from it, it’s gonna be a challenge. IBM’s already put up a billion or so for Linux, hoping for a rosy future. I figure it’s only a matter of time until IBM owns Linux and controls releases. But a long time, probably. And it’s now “VA Software”, even though the ticker is still LNUX.