— I read this TheAmericanProwler Article on somebody’s blog yesterday (I forget whose) but it’s a major deal:
Thanks to the anti-Simon press corps, few Californians know that Simon has been leading Gray Davis in at least five polls.
The article says the ONLY poll that shows Davis in the lead, the notoriously unreliable Field poll, is the one the papers are carrying. The thing is, the papers always cover the Field poll, unreliable or not, so this may not be a smoking gun, exactly.
It was my blog, dude. Still think Simon is a Republican “death wish?”
I know. We’ll have to wait and see. But he’s apparently doing a lot better than you expected, right?
There’s a vast reservoir of hatred for Davis, but I still believe that the choice of an untested rookie with extreme beliefs over a seasoned pro with moderate beliefs was a huge mistake.