Massive layoffs in political sector

Go to Rough&Tumble for the links that go with this story: Layoffs on Simon staff — In a move to free up funds to counter a television advertising onslaught by Gov. Gray Davis, GOP gubernatorial candidate Bill Simon will lay off up to 30 members of his campaign staff, it was announced Wednesday night. Carla … Continue reading “Massive layoffs in political sector”

Go to Rough&Tumble for the links that go with this story:

Layoffs on Simon staff — In a move to free up funds to counter a television advertising onslaught by Gov. Gray Davis, GOP gubernatorial candidate Bill Simon will lay off up to 30 members of his campaign staff, it was announced Wednesday night. Carla Marinucci in the San Francisco Chronicle The story is in the Los Angeles Times Dan Smith in the Sacramento Bee Dion Nissenbaum in the San Jose Mercury — 8/15/02

Simon’s not writing that check that I said he wasn’t going to write, and White House fundraising efforts on his behalf have been scaled-back or terminated. Next time, Republicans, don’t nominate the guy the Democrats want you to nominate, even if he talks like a Man of Principle on guns and abortion. Every rookie has to learn the ropes, and a statewide election is a tough venue for education.

3 thoughts on “Massive layoffs in political sector”

  1. I’m wondering about this,…

    Two years after Richard Nixon’s landslide re-election, there was the Democrats’ “Class of 1974”.

    Do you think that disgust with Gray Davis could inspire a similar change in the Sacramento legislature?

  2. “Don’t nominate the guy Democrats want you to nominate.”

    Wrong. As if guns and abortion were negotiable issues. What do you call winning when the winner is a loser? Most of us call it losing.

    You need to do something creative about those 20-20 hingsight eyeglasses you’re sporting. Anyone can buy a pair.

  3. It’s not hindsight, Paul, I was saying back in February that nominating anyone but Riordan was a mistake. See:

    Republican Death Wish II
    Republican Death Wish III
    Lungren II – The Creaming of Bill Simon

    BTW, the Governor of California has nothing to do with US Supreme Court decisions.

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