
Seeing this at inappropriate response: Many Snappy Returns. A rousing albeit belated Happy Blirgday to Dr. Frank. The one true frabjous original real blogs o’ war. Accept no substitutes. reminded me that I’m chapped at this John Little character who stole the name of Dr. Frank’s blog and registered it as a domain, which he … Continue reading “Theft”

Seeing this at inappropriate response:

Many Snappy Returns. A rousing albeit belated Happy Blirgday to Dr. Frank. The one true frabjous original real blogs o’ war. Accept no substitutes.

reminded me that I’m chapped at this John Little character who stole the name of Dr. Frank’s blog and registered it as a domain, which he now uses for his own blog (not linked here on principle.) The blog itself isn’t offensive, but stealing the name “Blogs of War” is. Little, having benefitted from stealing Dr. Frank’s name, should now give it to him and go get his own. This kind of behavior is not acceptable, and it gives War Bloggers a bad name.

BTW, happy birthday, Dr.