Virus sweeps the world

Following up on the Iraq War column we mentioned previously, Tom Friedman has a fresh virus alert: Unfortunately, when it comes to enlisting allies, the Bush team is its own worst enemy. It has sneered at many issues the world cares about: the Kyoto accords, the World Court, arms control treaties. The Bush team had … Continue reading “Virus sweeps the world”

Following up on the Iraq War column we mentioned previously, Tom Friedman has a fresh virus alert:

Unfortunately, when it comes to enlisting allies, the Bush team is its own worst enemy. It has sneered at many issues the world cares about: the Kyoto accords, the World Court, arms control treaties. The Bush team had legitimate arguments on some of these issues, but the gratuitous way it dismissed them has fueled anti-Americanism. No, I have no illusions that if the Bush team had only embraced Kyoto the French wouldn’t still be trying to obstruct America in Iraq. The French are the French. But unfortunately, now the Germans are the French, the Koreans are the French, and many Brits are becoming French.

I knew Gaulishness was a problem, but I never knew it was contagious. It must be carried by the cheese.

One thought on “Virus sweeps the world”

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