Our long national nightmare is over

At long last: Feb. 27, 2003 — Fred Rogers, who for more than 30 years touched the lives of children and parents as host of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, died of stomach cancer Thursday at age 74. Thank God. Now we can raise a generation of children who don’t believe each and every one is “special” … Continue reading “Our long national nightmare is over”

At long last:

Feb. 27, 2003 — Fred Rogers, who for more than 30 years touched the lives of children and parents as host of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, died of stomach cancer Thursday at age 74.

Thank God. Now we can raise a generation of children who don’t believe each and every one is “special” even if they never do anything special. Fred Rogers’ legacy is narcissism, nothing more and nothing less. His special effects really sucked, too.

11 thoughts on “Our long national nightmare is over”

  1. I started reading your blog tonight after noticing some interesting comments you made elsewhere. You sounded rational until I got to your Fred Rogers piece.

    Why did you needlessly write something so pointlessly vicious about such a kind and decent human being? I won’t be back and it’s not because of your writing quality or thinking ability. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to spend any of them in the company of a jerk.

  2. Well, I read this site daily, but never commented before, but let me just cancel out Dave Roberts’ thumbs-down.

    “Any man who hates dogs and children Mr. Rogers can’t be all bad.” 😉

    Keep up the good work!

  3. Oh…HTML is allowed because it’s all stripped out. Like I really need an extra chance to look stupid.
    I guess my work here is done 🙂

  4. MT has a bug where it strips out s tags and i tags from comments by default, even if you’ve told it to allow HTML in comments. I fixed that so your comment looks almost reasonable now.

  5. Thanks. (“Almost reasonable” is about the best I can hope for in a comment.)

  6. So, you dance on the grave of anyone who tries to do something for children? Delighting in the painful death of someone who never did you any harm? What a pitiful waste of potential.

  7. Lots of people made fun of Fred Rogers when he was alive, including Eddie Murphy. Now that he’s dead, his feelings won’t be hurt by what I said about him, so you don’t need to worry.

    Here, have a hug – no one else is fucked-up in exactly the way you’re fucked-up, because you’re special.

  8. “…no one else is fucked-up in exactly the way you’re fucked-up, because you’re special.”

    I know that wasn’t meant for me. Still, those words are now engraved in my memory…sort of like when you called Tara Sue Grubb “Winer’s sock puppet,” henceforth making it impossible for me not to get a mental image of Lambchop every time I read “Tara Sue.” (Which isn’t very often these days.)

  9. Oh, “lots of people,” eh? Sounds like a Hive Mind rationalization.

    Mocking the dead? You don’t have a better use for your talents than that? Mocking the dead?

    And thanks for the hug, Grandpaw.

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