Don’t nuke Berkeley

Dictator enablers have taken a strong and principled stand against nuking Berkeley and I support them. We should continue applying diplomatic pressure on Berkeley in hopes of convincing them to enter the ranks of the responsible, and failing that we should send Berkeleyites to Iraq to work as human shields; there are some job openings … Continue reading “Don’t nuke Berkeley”

Dictator enablers have taken a strong and principled stand against nuking Berkeley and I support them. We should continue applying diplomatic pressure on Berkeley in hopes of convincing them to enter the ranks of the responsible, and failing that we should send Berkeleyites to Iraq to work as human shields; there are some job openings now that Brits and the Canucks are coming home.

I live downwind of Berkeley, you see.

4 thoughts on “Don’t nuke Berkeley”

  1. Dictator enablers? Dear me, Gnome. You’re obviously in need of a dick enabler.

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