Michael Moore booed off the stage

It was a real treat to see Michael Moore’s face when the audience at the Oscars treated his drooling diatribe against the president with boos, heckling, and cat calls. His ears will be ringing with the contempt his peers showed him for months and years to come. It was especially heart warming because he thought … Continue reading “Michael Moore booed off the stage”

It was a real treat to see Michael Moore’s face when the audience at the Oscars treated his drooling diatribe against the president with boos, heckling, and cat calls. His ears will be ringing with the contempt his peers showed him for months and years to come.

It was especially heart warming because he thought he was preaching to the choir with the kind of false courage he makes his living on, and when faced with a little opposition, he folded like the Iraqi army*.

* registered trademark of Ken Layne.

9 thoughts on “Michael Moore booed off the stage”

  1. I don’t think it’ll affect that moron for more than ten minutes. It’ll just lead to bigger lies and grander pronouncements. Typical egomaniac.

  2. he won an oscar and he deserved it. his documentary was brilliant. we are all alloed freedom of speech. I totally support Mr Moor.

  3. John, first of all, it’s “allowed” and “Moore”. I’m glad you support him, though. It’s a good, good thing that you do 🙂

  4. Mike Moore’s career is built on publicity like this. I don’t think it will affect his career at all. ANd it shouldn’t, last I checked we all still had the right to Freedom of Speech.

  5. All that shit you guys are doing is gonna backfire yourselves.

    Bush is an asshole, but he’s right about one thing. Saddan has weapons of mass destruction. He knows that ‘cos he kept the sale receipts. He should have shown them to UN.

    I hope not (that’s not what I wish to you guys), but other 11/9 will probably come out of that insanity. USA might have no peace from now on.

  6. I Support Mike 100%. You Americans have no idea of how you are perceived oversees and you probably don’t care, that is the saddest thing. Here’s a bloke who’s finally not afraid to say what?s really happening and he gets booed of stage. It wasn’t embarrassment in his eye’s it was sadness of the denyle of the truth.

  7. nick our country started after someone was not afraid to say whats really happening. And who stood up and said what was really happening when you pussies were appeasing Hitler? Your out of your league.

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