War of the phoneys

London’s Daily Mirror is staunchly pro-Saddam, but they do publish Christopher Hitchens’ attempts to shock their readers back to their senses. The latest: I feel disgust for those who blame this week’s deaths on the intervention and not on its sole target: Saddam Hussein. A few days ago, a US Navy SEAL team allowed its … Continue reading “War of the phoneys”

London’s Daily Mirror is staunchly pro-Saddam, but they do publish Christopher Hitchens’ attempts to shock their readers back to their senses. The latest:

I feel disgust for those who blame this week’s deaths on the intervention and not on its sole target: Saddam Hussein.

A few days ago, a US Navy SEAL team allowed its whole attack to be watched live, as it went ashore and painlessly disarmed an Iraqi garrison with orders to blow up oil terminals.

Who would not approve the careful and humane pre-emptive strike that prevented such an atrocity with no loss of life? Who is going to report the numerous other unsung victories in a carefully calibrated conflict?

Is it too obvious to mention that Saddam’s side in this war threatens the use of indiscriminate tactics, puts civilians in harm’s way, and trashes the Geneva Convention the first chance it gets?

Link via Tim Blair.