Supporting the Iraqi opposition

…Michael Ignatieff, a longtime human rights investigator, wrote of “14,000 ‘writers, academics, and other intellectuals — many of them my friends — [who] published a petition against the war . . . condemning the Iraqi regime for its human rights violations and supporting ‘efforts by the Iraqi opposition to create a democratic, multi-ethnic, and multireligious … Continue reading “Supporting the Iraqi opposition”

…Michael Ignatieff, a longtime human rights investigator, wrote of “14,000 ‘writers, academics, and other intellectuals — many of them my friends — [who] published a petition against the war . . . condemning the Iraqi regime for its human rights violations and supporting ‘efforts by the Iraqi opposition to create a democratic, multi-ethnic, and multireligious Iraq.’ ” But they say, he adds, that waging war at this time is “morally unacceptable.”

“I wonder,” Ignatieff wrote — as I also wonder — “what their support for the Iraqi opposition amounts to.”

Why I Didn’t March This Time by Nat Hentoff