FCC rule changes

ABC’s Frisco station, KGO-TV, had a little get-together for the national audience with Peter Jennings and a bunch of local media folks (the PG&E guy from the Bay Guardian, local news anchor Pete Wilson, an ethnic media guy, the deputy editor of the Frisco Comical, and Barbara Simpson, the right-wing talk radio “Babe in the … Continue reading “FCC rule changes”

ABC’s Frisco station, KGO-TV, had a little get-together for the national audience with Peter Jennings and a bunch of local media folks (the PG&E guy from the Bay Guardian, local news anchor Pete Wilson, an ethnic media guy, the deputy editor of the Frisco Comical, and Barbara Simpson, the right-wing talk radio “Babe in the Bunker”) and a live studio audience.

One of the subjects was the proposed FCC rule changes that will allow more consolidation. So obviously, this discussion didn’t happen, because if it did there could be no Blackout. Seriously, it was the one issue that all panelists agreed on, left, right, center, and loony: bad, bad, bad. It was as if you had proposed privatizing the schools to a meeting of the teachers’ union.

Which leads me to believe it must be a good idea.