Instapundit backup site

Hosting Matters is down, and with it a number of blogs such as Jeff Jarvis and Instapundit. There is an Instapundit backup site if you can’t live without your hourly fix of Professor Reynolds. Oddly, the Hosting Matters status page is silent about the problem, which has persisted for several hours. They must have pissed … Continue reading “Instapundit backup site”

Hosting Matters is down, and with it a number of blogs such as Jeff Jarvis and Instapundit. There is an Instapundit backup site if you can’t live without your hourly fix of Professor Reynolds. Oddly, the Hosting Matters status page is silent about the problem, which has persisted for several hours. They must have pissed off Stacy Tabb, who would naturally destroy them for that offense.

On the plus side, the evil Vodkapundit is also down.

UPDATE: Jarvis is up now.