Worst-kept secret in history

CNN finally breaks the blackout in the proposed FCC rule changes on media ownership: WASHINGTON (CNN) – The Federal Communications Commission has received so many public comments on its Web sites regarding Monday’s vote on media ownership consolidation that the agency is having “problems” with its server, an FCC official said Friday. And the messages … Continue reading “Worst-kept secret in history”

CNN finally breaks the blackout in the proposed FCC rule changes on media ownership:

WASHINGTON (CNN) – The Federal Communications Commission has received so many public comments on its Web sites regarding Monday’s vote on media ownership consolidation that the agency is having “problems” with its server, an FCC official said Friday.

And the messages aren’t just coming via e-mails. The official said the FCC is experiencing problems with their voice comment phone line, which has also been swamped.

The official said the agency is working to fix the problems.

As blackouts go, this one was pretty lame, but it does prove one thing: there are so many alternative sources of news these days, it doesn’t matter how concentrated media ownership is in the big cities. The news gets out anyway.