Where the beef is

There’s an interesing article in the Mercury News today on the Argentine obsession with beef: Argentines so revere their country’s 11th Commandment — Thou Shalt Eat Beef — that babies are weaned on steak juice. A curvaceous woman is whistled at and called “a great steak.” Despite recent decades of economic woe, the average Argentine … Continue reading “Where the beef is”

There’s an interesing article in the Mercury News today on the Argentine obsession with beef:

Argentines so revere their country’s 11th Commandment — Thou Shalt Eat Beef — that babies are weaned on steak juice. A curvaceous woman is whistled at and called “a great steak.” Despite recent decades of economic woe, the average Argentine still consumes more than twice as much beef as an American.

Argentina exported so much beef in the early twentieth century that it was one of the world’s ten richest countries, ahead of France even. So if you’d like to help Latin America get its economy back in order, eat more beef.

One thought on “Where the beef is”

  1. One of my favorite memories in S America, was as a 15 yo back in 1975, dining on filet mignon and fine red wine in Isabella Peron’s Buenos Aires’ eateries. All for about $2 a head.

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