California debate debate

The mud-slinging contest between Daniel Weintraub and this Mickey Kaus character over Weintraub’s idea of giving the debate questions out in advance is way more spirited and debate-like than anything the contestants will do among themselves. We haven’t had real political debates since Kennedy and Nixon because there are so many rules of protocol now … Continue reading “California debate debate”

The mud-slinging contest between Daniel Weintraub and this Mickey Kaus character over Weintraub’s idea of giving the debate questions out in advance is way more spirited and debate-like than anything the contestants will do among themselves. We haven’t had real political debates since Kennedy and Nixon because there are so many rules of protocol now that the candidates do everything except debate each other in these debates. Mainly, they stick to their talking points and give little speeches that have nothing much to do with the alleged debate questions. So this time around, with the questions known in advance, at least they’ll have to stick to the actual topic.

And that’s good, so Weintraub wins and Kaus loses.