Interviews you can use

Take your pick: Right Wing News inteviews Milton Friedman on tax cuts, and left-wing blogger Calpundit interviews Enron adviser Paul Krugman. They’re both softball interviews, but I found the Krugman interview particularly offensive. Calpundit allows comments in-line, but Right-Wing’s are at a different place.

Take your pick: Right Wing News inteviews Milton Friedman on tax cuts, and left-wing blogger Calpundit interviews Enron adviser Paul Krugman. They’re both softball interviews, but I found the Krugman interview particularly offensive. Calpundit allows comments in-line, but Right-Wing’s are at a different place.

3 thoughts on “Interviews you can use”

  1. I’m surprised at how much faith people seem to have in the dishonest economist, Paul Krugman. How on earth does he have the credentials to talk about other’s lying, when he’s so dishonest himself?

    He says that this is the first time we’ve been lied into war. Each Democrat president for the last 50 years has lied us into war. Doesn’t he remember?

    He says this is not a middle class tax cut. If you talk to middle class wage earners, you will see that they are deeply appreciative of this tax cut; it has made a difference for them. The leading cause of poverty is government. This is why they are getting so much traction. The Democrat taxes have made it very hard on people; the relief is appreciated by working stiffs.

    The economy is in trouble; but this catastrophe has not been hatched in the last two years. It was caused by reckless policies for the past decade. Bankrupties reached a million per year for the first time in 1995, and have exceeded a million per year since, while the Fed pursues reckless monetary policy. Indeed, there is trouble ahead, but not for the reasons Paul Krugman would have you think.

  2. Paul Krugman was a reasonable economist before. He of course came to different conclusions about things, but his argumentation was sound and sober. After 2000, he became completely unhinged.

  3. Krugman had cozy ties with Clinton and Gore, and his dreams of power and influence were dashed when his boy lost in 2000. He’s never gotten over it.

    Seeing Krugman on Charlie Rose, it occurred to me that he was the nerdish little boy who got beat up and robbed of his lunch money a lot in elementary school, and who’s been seeking revenge on the big, cool, mean kids ever since.

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