Winning the Peace

Josh Chafetz has posted his speech to the Oxford Union on the question of winning or losing the peace: Three of the most widely read American magazines have recently run stories on how the occupation is going, and the verdict is unanimous. “Americans are Losing the Victory” screams one. “How We Botched the Occupation” is … Continue reading “Winning the Peace”

Josh Chafetz has posted his speech to the Oxford Union on the question of winning or losing the peace:

Three of the most widely read American magazines have recently run stories on how the occupation is going, and the verdict is unanimous. “Americans are Losing the Victory” screams one. “How We Botched the Occupation” is on the cover of another. “Blueprint for a Mess” is the verdict of the third.

Actually, I’ve taken some liberties with two of those headlines, so let me start over. “Blueprint for a Mess” is indeed the cover article in this week’s New York Times Magazine. But “Americans Are Losing the Victory” is from the January 7, 1945 issue of Life magazine, and the full headline is “Americans are Losing the Victory in Europe.” The Saturday Evening Post on January 26, 1946 ran “How We Botched the German Occupation.”

Chafetz and two undergrads trounced two leftist MPs and an undergrad.

2 thoughts on “Winning the Peace”

  1. but mr. bennett!

    blogosphere nerds have absolutely no impact on the Real World(tm)!

    (then again, college compuses, no matter how distinguished, hardly qualify as part of the Real World(tm).)

  2. Yes, Richard. It’s SO like World War II, where people acted like we were screwing up, but we weren’t, really.

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