The connection

Those still skeptical about the Saddam/Al Qaeda connection had best read the Weekly Standard article on a 50-point memo detailing the connections: OSAMA BIN LADEN and Saddam Hussein had an operational relationship from the early 1990s to 2003 that involved training in explosives and weapons of mass destruction, logistical support for terrorist attacks, al Qaeda … Continue reading “The connection”

Those still skeptical about the Saddam/Al Qaeda connection had best read the Weekly Standard article on a 50-point memo detailing the connections:

OSAMA BIN LADEN and Saddam Hussein had an operational relationship from the early 1990s to 2003 that involved training in explosives and weapons of mass destruction, logistical support for terrorist attacks, al Qaeda training camps and safe haven in Iraq, and Iraqi financial support for al Qaeda–perhaps even for Mohamed Atta–according to a top secret U.S. government memorandum obtained by THE WEEKLY STANDARD.

This really should come as no surprise.

Via Roger Simon, Michael Totten, and Little Green Footballs.

11 thoughts on “The connection”

  1. In what sense do you think your news article contradicts the intel memo, RR? All your article says is some tourist spends 10 days in Iraq and can’t find any WMDs put in the hands of terrorists by Saddam. The intel memo details 50 separate instances of Saddam/Al Qaeda cooperation since 1990.

    You’re a silly troll.

  2. If I’m a silly troll, then you’re a pathetic old loser. Sorry your life has been so incomplete. Must be so depressing…

  3. Yes, Richard…what an absolute waste your entire life has been. God, how can you find the energy to pull yourself out of bed in the morning?

    I’m gonna go read all of RR’s brilliant insight into the world instead of wasting my time here.

  4. RR is right, Richard’s life is incomplete. How could a man who doesn’t have a pet goat be happy?

  5. and yet more related news on the same topic:


  6. sorry about above….the DoD’s not denying the report. they’re confirming the report, but only claiming that it “drew no conclusions”.

  7. It’s not correct that the CIA finds no evidence on Saddam, WMDs, and terrorists. The WaPo story simply reports on a ten-day trip to Iraq on the part of a private citizen who wishes to draw that conclusion on his own.

    Obviously, no responsible government official would attempt to answer such a question on the basis of a single trip that consisted of two interviews, even with the security clearance that this advocate doesn’t have.

  8. Sty,

    Apparently you just glommed over the newspapers and didn’t bother to read any of the reports out of CSIS. Had you done that you would have seen a more complex assessment of the situation; particularly regarding Dr. Kay and WMD’s.

    Key reports that there is no evidence of chemical weapons at this time. He did however report that Iraq made considerable progress on the biological front. His basic assessment is that there is a lot more work to do. Kay has said many times that finding a smoking gun will be next to impossible because of the lengths Saddam pursued to hide, infiltrate and deceive.

    The Washington Post also conveniently skipped over the CSIS report on the situation in Iraq. They state “Iraq was a tyrannical time bomb that was inevitably going to explode.” This is from Anthony H. Cordesman; the same source of the Kay report.

    The report out of the Washington Post is akin to every other paper that editorializes the news and tries to pass it off as legitimate reporting. We find it particularly amusing that they finish up with a quote about how attacks will continue until the US leaves Iraq.

    The post story is no more than typical rhetoric from the left. Anyone can take an agenda and use an out of context blurb for substantiation. The is even true of Cordesman who paraphrases David Kay instead of providing the whole context.

    Beth and Terry

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