
We’re snowed-in today: the schools are closed, the office is closed, it’s been slowly dumping all day long, and nobody’s going anywhere. Weather forecast calls for a quick warming trend, which will most likely bring flooding. And being a former Californian and all, I still don’t quite get the concept of weather. Can somebody explain … Continue reading “Snowed-in”

We’re snowed-in today: the schools are closed, the office is closed, it’s been slowly dumping all day long, and nobody’s going anywhere. Weather forecast calls for a quick warming trend, which will most likely bring flooding.

And being a former Californian and all, I still don’t quite get the concept of weather. Can somebody explain what it’s supposed to be good for?

Here’s how it was at 8:30 this morning:


And by 5:30, it was like this:


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