Not completely insane

Just catching up a bit, I’d like to point out that Lessig’s candidate Rohit Khanna made a spectacularly poor showing in his attempt to unseat pro-Iraq-liberation incumbent Tom Lantos in San Mateo County (just south of Frisco.) Khanna touted his anti-liberation and anti-PATRIOT Act stances, and was beaten like a red-headed stepchild on election day. … Continue reading “Not completely insane”

Just catching up a bit, I’d like to point out that Lessig’s candidate Rohit Khanna made a spectacularly poor showing in his attempt to unseat pro-Iraq-liberation incumbent Tom Lantos in San Mateo County (just south of Frisco.) Khanna touted his anti-liberation and anti-PATRIOT Act stances, and was beaten like a red-headed stepchild on election day. San Mateo County voters aren’t as shallow as they sometimes look.

In a similar vein, Jean Kerry’s plea to Zapatero not to withdraw Spanish troops from Iraq was very, very, smart – it allows Kerry to continue pretending to be serious about American defense while continuing to offer-up Zap as the one foreign leader (other than Osama) known to support Jean for the presidency. And yes, we prefer to spell Kerry’s name in the Original French.

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