Turning the Tide replaces Protein Wisdom as the world’s funniest blog thanks to posts like this one:
People in the more civilized sectors of the world (what we call “the third world,” or the “developing countries”) often burst out laughing when they witness an election in which the choices are two men from very wealthy families with plenty of clout in the very narrow political system, who went to the same elite university and even joined the same secret society to be socialized into the manners and attitudes of the rulers, and who are able to participate in the election because they have massive funding from highly concentrated sectors of unaccountable power that cast over society the shadow called “politics,” as John Dewey put it.
While Protein Wisdom’s humor is stylish and intentional, ChomskyBlog’s isn’t, and that’s why it’s so funny.
Link via Michael J. Totten
Until he fixes the archives, I’m not going to hawk his blog…