Michael Moore: Busted (again)

Honest left-wing journo Marc Cooper has busted Michael Moore for spinning a web of lies about Disney in order to hype his latest project: Below find an exclusive full text copy of the article by Andrew Gumbel which will appear in Thursday’s London-based daily The Independent which quotes inside sources saying there is nothing new … Continue reading “Michael Moore: Busted (again)”

Honest left-wing journo Marc Cooper has busted Michael Moore for spinning a web of lies about Disney in order to hype his latest project:

Below find an exclusive full text copy of the article by Andrew Gumbel which will appear in Thursday’s London-based daily The Independent which quotes inside sources saying there is nothing new in Disney’s red light, that Moore knew it was a no-go from the outset. After you’ve read Andrew’s piece take a look at this L.A. Weekly column I wrote in March describing Moore as the Ann Coulter of the left.

Chances of the New York Times publishing a retraction to its overheated story of Moore’s oppression are practically nil, I suppose.

BTW, Cooper’s LA Weekly article is as insightful about Moore as anything you’ll ever read:

Moore?s shtick is to deftly read the emotional contours of the liberal left and then to profitably mold and expand himself to fill the void. He?s a polarizer, not a teacher. His ramped-up stage style, shouting and screaming profanities at Dubya, no doubt provides some satisfying moments for the already-converted but can only alienate and confound those still in doubt.

And all the more damning because Cooper’s very much a Man of the Left.

Link via Roger L. Simon.

2 thoughts on “Michael Moore: Busted (again)”

  1. Pingback: Tim Blair
  2. I told Tim Blair. (The link to your comment is in my comment to his post, so that’s why I’m posting this here. Also, I take an almost spiritual pleasure in seeing buffoons like Moore caught in lies.)

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