Ringing endorsement

Alan Kellog isn’t too impressed with WordPress: I say the Hell with it. The documentation is written by people with something close to Aspergers Syndrome, with no consideration for people who have no background in coding, scripting, or any of that shit. I didn’t find it especially difficult myself – the basic stuff installed and … Continue reading “Ringing endorsement”

Alan Kellog isn’t too impressed with WordPress:

I say the Hell with it. The documentation is written by people with something close to Aspergers Syndrome, with no consideration for people who have no background in coding, scripting, or any of that shit.

I didn’t find it especially difficult myself – the basic stuff installed and imported MT in less time than it took to transfer the MT export file over, so to each his own.

6 thoughts on “Ringing endorsement”

  1. Pingback: Mythusmage Opines
  2. You can find my comment on your post at my place. You know where to find it.

    Now, could you go through the process of setting Word Press up (and importing files from other blogs), write every step you take down, and make them available to the general public. Omit nothing, no matter how obvious it may seem. We’re talking “Word Press for Dummies” here.

  3. Neither or. It lay with the documentation. Which left out a good chunk of what needs to be done, or got it wrong in the first place.

    “Replace thus and such with thus and such on line thus and such” does no good when what you really need to do is replace every instance of thus and such with thus and such in a document. That’s what my beef is about.

  4. I agree that the documentation is dire and I’ve not always found the forum helpful either. So little of WP is actually documented it’s not funny. The basic installation is pretty simple but beyond that you’re pretty much on your own. I’ve used MT for years and have maintained my own web sites for a long time but I struggled with WP initially. However, having said that I like it and will stick with it. I switched a couple of months ago and the MT pangs have definitely worn off 🙂

  5. All things considered, as blogging software it’s a dang sight better than most anything out there. All we need now is somebody who can explain how to use it. And do it in English.

    Now I’m off to get “Dots” again. I assume you put the images in the images folder, right.:)

    How do you know when somebody’s a Linux purist?

    Linux purists don’t need no stirkin’ ‘read me’.

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