Miramax May Lay Off 20% of Its Workforce

Remember Miramax, the Disney subsidiary that financed Michael Moore’s venal, paranoid diatribe against President Bush and threw a tantrum when Disney reiterated its position against distributing it and becoming a war profiteer? Well, it seems that the company is in a serious financial pickle and may lay off 20% of its workforce: Walt Disney Co.-owned … Continue reading “Miramax May Lay Off 20% of Its Workforce”

Remember Miramax, the Disney subsidiary that financed Michael Moore’s venal, paranoid diatribe against President Bush and threw a tantrum when Disney reiterated its position against distributing it and becoming a war profiteer? Well, it seems that the company is in a serious financial pickle and may lay off 20% of its workforce:

Walt Disney Co.-owned Miramax Films could lay off as much as 20% of its workforce in a series of cost-cutting measures aimed at heading off a financial squeeze, people familiar with the plans said.

The layoffs are being weighed as Miramax’s co-founders, Harvey and Bob Weinstein, are under increasing pressure to save money at their New York-based movie company.

The Weinsteins have run through most of a $700-million annual production and marketing budget, nearly four months before the end of the company’s fiscal year on Sept. 30.

The Weinstein brothers have been seen making the scene at various Fahrenheit 9/11 openings when they might spend their time better keeping an eye on that budget. It takes more than a little talent to burn $100 million a month, but these boys are geniuses. Just see how they’re portrayed in the Last Ride of the Elephant Princess episode of the cancelled sitcom Action with Jay Mohr for a bit of a clue. Hint: total pervs more or less sums it up.

Fraud and Censorship at NBC

NBC television has a summer show called Last Comic Standing: The Search For The Funniest Person In America which is anything but what it claims to be. The premise of the show is to do for comedy what American Idol does for boring pop music: line up some credible contestants and have them go head-to-head … Continue reading “Fraud and Censorship at NBC”

NBC television has a summer show called Last Comic Standing: The Search For The Funniest Person In America which is anything but what it claims to be.

The premise of the show is to do for comedy what American Idol does for boring pop music: line up some credible contestants and have them go head-to-head through a series of elimination rounds until the people of America choose a winner. Only the show is rigged.

This week’s two episodes were supposed to winnow a field of 20 down to the 10 who will live in house together while they compete for the top spot. The 20 semi-finalists competed in Las Vegas before a panel of 4 celebrity judges who believed, and had every right to believe, that they would make the final selections. But before the first joke was cracked, one of the funniest comics – Jim Norton – was kicked off the show and replaced with a last-minute stand-in by the show’s producers, who were allegedly concerned about contractual conflicts. Norton appears on Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn on Comedy Central (the funniest show in TV right now) and I suspect that the producers didn’t want Norton ragging on them as he came to understand the show’s real dynamics.

Then the judges were outraged when the funniest comic of the 20, by far, was not included in the final selection despite the fact that they’d all voted for him and the audience gave him a standing ovation. This screwed comic – Dan Naturman – apparently didn’t fit in a demographic quota pre-selected by the producers for a gay man, but some lame-o who calls himself “Ant” did.

The judges aren’t going to let the controversy die. Drew Carey said it best:

?I thought it was crooked and dishonest,? Carey, star of the ABC sitcom The Drew Carey Show, told entertainment trade paper The Hollywood Reporter.

And Brett Butler backs him up:

Butler, via her official Website, groused: “As panel judges, we can say that (a) we were both surprised and disappointed at the results and (b) we had NOTHING to do with them.”

NBC has a message board for discussion of the show, but it’s fully moderated and they censored a post of mine critical of their deception; I called it “a fraud of Michael Moore proportions.”

This is one TV show I won’t be watching this summer, and the whole episode illustrates why sitcoms are dead and the networks are dying. The people who run the networks may as well be replaced by computers programmed with Nielsen’s and demographic data; they have no sense of what’s funny to normal viewers, which is why they’ve been trying to stuff a steady diet of Will and Grace down our throats.

Now that we have Netflix and the Internet can somebody please remind me of what we need the Big 3 networks for? Not for the comedy, and certainly not for the news.


UPDATE: NBC has shut down their message board without comment; no new posts approved since Wednesday night.

ANOTHER UPDATE: NBC has re-opened the message board after sanitizing posts and attempting to block all access – even reading – from infidels like me. Their technical acument is no better than their honesty, so I unblocked myself in about 15 seconds by removing their “bb” cookies. There’s a lot of complaining in the small number of posts they’ve accepted, but nobody is allowed to point out the contradiction between “good dynamics in the house” and “the search for the funniest person in America.”

What a sad little network.

Happy ending

So the Pistons won it in 5, just as I predicted. That bit of forecasting was obvious, so now let’s go out on a limb and predict a Bush victory in November based on NBA logic. The Pistons are the working class team without a superstar, guys who follow their coach’s leadership and play as … Continue reading “Happy ending”

So the Pistons won it in 5, just as I predicted. That bit of forecasting was obvious, so now let’s go out on a limb and predict a Bush victory in November based on NBA logic. The Pistons are the working class team without a superstar, guys who follow their coach’s leadership and play as a well-oiled machine. They beat the flashy, pampered, narcissistic Lakers by putting their heads down and doing what had to be done, and Kobe’s team had no dramatic come-from-behind moves left by the last game.

Hollywood’s team lost in Detroit, and Hollywood’s candidate will lose as well.

Supreme Court gets it right

I was prepared to hate the Supreme Court’s opinion in the Newdow pledge-of-allegiance case, but it appears that they got it right: Sandra Banning, the child?s mother, then filed a motion to intervene or dismiss, declaring, inter alia, that she had exclusive legal custody under a state-court order and that, as her daughter?s sole legal … Continue reading “Supreme Court gets it right”

I was prepared to hate the Supreme Court’s opinion in the Newdow pledge-of-allegiance case, but it appears that they got it right:

Sandra Banning, the child?s mother, then filed a motion to intervene or dismiss, declaring, inter alia, that she had exclusive legal custody under a state-court order and that, as her daughter?s sole legal custodian, she felt it was not in the child?s interest to be a party to Newdow?s suit.

Newdow doesn’t have legal custody, either joint or sole, despite the fact that the kid spends 10 days a month with him. It’s extremely unusual for a California family court not to award joint legal custody – dad has to be a wacko or an abuser not to get this status, which is largely viewed as window-dressing. But in this case we see that it actually means something, so fathers shouldn’t accept anything less.

Iraqi WMDs found in Syria, Jordan

protein wisdom quotes this from World Tribune: The United Nations has determined that Saddam Hussein shipped weapons of mass destruction components as well as medium-range ballistic missiles before, during and after the U.S.-led war against Iraq in 2003. So why indeed is this not top news in the mainstream media?

protein wisdom quotes this from World Tribune:

The United Nations has determined that Saddam Hussein shipped weapons of mass destruction components as well as medium-range ballistic missiles before, during and after the U.S.-led war against Iraq in 2003.

So why indeed is this not top news in the mainstream media?

Prince of Peace

Here’s an interesting quote from Mikhail Gorbachev to the Soviet Politburo in 1987: “Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about Glasnost and Perestroika and democracy in the coming years. They are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant internal changes in the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes. … Continue reading “Prince of Peace”

Here’s an interesting quote from Mikhail Gorbachev to the Soviet Politburo in 1987:

“Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about Glasnost and Perestroika and democracy in the coming years. They are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant internal changes in the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep. We want to accomplish three things:

One, we want the Americans to withdraw conventional forces from Europe.

Two, we want them to withdraw nuclear forces from Europe.

Three, we want the Americans to stop proceeding with Strategic Defense Initiative.”

I can’t vouch for its authenticity, but it doesn’t sound like the sentiments of a man who was so dead set on democratizing the Soviet Union that he would have done so without any encouragement from the outside. (via The Argus )

So the historical revisionism is setting in, evinced by the unified theory of Perestroika that maintains Gorby shut down the Soviet system out of the goodness of his heart and over the objections of a stubborn cold-warrior Reagan who actually wanted the MAD to continue. That’s not the way I remember it, of course. The advent of the SDI gave the US a first-strike capability, and Gorby didn’t want to go down in history as the Communist in Charge when the US attacked the Soviet Union and took it down by force.The technical lag between the US and the Soviet Bloc opened into a wide chasm in the mid-80s, which I saw up close in Singapore where I met various Eastern Bloc engineers who were running around the island trying to scoop up the technology necessary to built a credible Personal Computer and failing.

The modus was like this: each satellite country had responsibility for a part of the system, the Soviets the CPUs, the East Germans the hard drives, the Bulgarians the keyboards, the Czechs the DRAMs, the Poles the floppies, etc. When the 286 was in full-scale production along with 20MB hard drives, and the 32-bit 386 was sampling in the US, the Soviet CPU was a slow, 8-bit 8088 equivalent and the East German hard drive was a 5MB model that crashed all the time. The Polish floppy was three generations behind, and the Bulgarian keyboard had to be build on Hong Kong switches. The cost was incredible, and the people had new access to videotapes from the West that showed a lifestyle vastly out of their reach as well. The evidence that their system was a failure could no longer be hidden, and the people were restless for change.

The Soviets and their stooges knew full well that they would never be able to bridge the technical gap, and that its inevitable outcome would be the destruction of their system, peacefully or otherwise. So they did the only sensible thing, laid down their arms and asked Reagan and Thatcher for help in transforming their system, knowing that help would be forthcoming.

Without Reagan and SDI, it would have happened anyway, but at least a generation later, and at the cost of many more lives and much more suffering. And that’s why Reagan is considered a saint within the former Soviet bloc today, and a demon within the Postmodern Gulag.

Thatcher eulogy to Reagan

Among other things, Thatcher said: “He was able to say ‘God Bless America’ with equal fervour in public and in private. And so he was able to call confidently upon his fellow-countrymen to make sacrifices for America – and to make sacrifices for those who looked to America for hope and rescue. “With the lever … Continue reading “Thatcher eulogy to Reagan”

Among other things, Thatcher said:

“He was able to say ‘God Bless America’ with equal fervour in public and in private. And so he was able to call confidently upon his fellow-countrymen to make sacrifices for America – and to make sacrifices for those who looked to America for hope and rescue.

“With the lever of American patriotism, he lifted up the world.

“And so today the world – in Prague, in Budapest, in Warsaw, in Sofia, in Bucharest, in Kiev and in Moscow itself – the world mourns the passing of the Great Liberator and echoes his prayer ‘God Bless America’.

“And as the last journey of this faithful pilgrim took him beyond the sunset, and as heaven’s morning broke, I like to think – in the words of Bunyan – that ‘all the trumpets sounded on the other side’.

“We here still move in twilight. But we have one beacon to guide us that Ronald Reagan never had.

“We have his example. Let us give thanks today for a life that achieved so much for all of God’s children.”

Very moving words, from one who knew him well.

Judge Rejects Bryant Motion

Kobe Bryant’s judge has determined that Colorado’s so-called Rape Shield Law is constitutional, even though it’s discriminatory on its face: Enacted in the 1970s, the law prevents the sexual history of an alleged victim from being introduced as evidence unless the defense proves that it is relevant…Bryant’s attorneys had argued that the law was unfair … Continue reading “Judge Rejects Bryant Motion”

Kobe Bryant’s judge has determined that Colorado’s so-called Rape Shield Law is constitutional, even though it’s discriminatory on its face:

Enacted in the 1970s, the law prevents the sexual history of an alleged victim from being introduced as evidence unless the defense proves that it is relevant…Bryant’s attorneys had argued that the law was unfair because a defendant’s sexual history can be disclosed at a trial.

This is a bad ruling, and Rape Shield Laws are bad laws. The basic principle here should be what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, so either we talk about both parties’ sexual histories or we talk about neither’s. Innocent until proved guilty, after all.

Perhaps depressed about this ruling, Kobe turned in a pathetic performance in Game 3, where the Pistons showed the world that the Lakers are vastly over-rated. This was one of the most enjoyable sporting events I’ve ever seen, and not in small part because it showed the so-called experts for what they really are. The Pistons didn’t just put Kobe into a box, they shut down O’Neal and the rest of the team. Even the usual pro-Laker bias on the part of the officials wasn’t enough to turn the tide in LA’s favor, and the defeat was so convincing I imagine several Lakers are wondering if it’s even worthwhile to show up for the next two games.

So we stand by our prediction: Pistons in 5.

UPDATE: See Laker anguish here.

Portland gets another one

Linus Torvalds is coming to town: “The plan was to try to acclimatize and have time to grow webbed feet (although I’m told there are implants available) by moving during the summer,” he wrote. He’ll fit right in, it’s just like his native Finland only wetter.

Linus Torvalds is coming to town:

“The plan was to try to acclimatize and have time to grow webbed feet (although I’m told there are implants available) by moving during the summer,” he wrote.

He’ll fit right in, it’s just like his native Finland only wetter.

Streisand pays up

Democratic Party leader Barbra Streisand finally paid $155,000 in legal fees she owed Ken Adelman in the coast photos case. Adelman is the fellow who has the web site with aerial photos of the California coastline so he can fight erosion, and Streisand didn’t want her mansion included, being the home of a great enviroinmental … Continue reading “Streisand pays up”

Democratic Party leader Barbra Streisand finally paid $155,000 in legal fees she owed Ken Adelman in the coast photos case. Adelman is the fellow who has the web site with aerial photos of the California coastline so he can fight erosion, and Streisand didn’t want her mansion included, being the home of a great enviroinmental activist and all.

Justice was done and the coastline has been protected from here, so all is right. See the check here.