John Kerry’s selection of trial lawyer John Edwards as running mate strikes me as a desperate move that violates the first rule of veep-selection: don’t choose a veep who’s more charismatic than the candidate. Kerry being what he is, it was probably necessary to violate this rule in order to have a breathing veep, so never mind.
The selection of Edwards appeals to moderates, but it alienates two important interest groups: business leaders, who don’t want a trial lawyer in the White House and are willing to mobilize against the Kerry/Edwards ticket; and disaffected youth, the Deaniacs, who want someone more in line with their values, such as they are.
I’ve always admired Edwards’ hair, and I have to admit that he brings youth and vitality to an otherwise lackluster ticket. But voters may not be looking for anything more than a good nap this year, so it’s not clear that Edwards brings value to the ticket.
UPDATE: Here’s a typical reaction from a Deaniac (see more here):
I’m sick about it. Once again the Kerry campaign is made to order for the ill informed, for pomp and no circumstance, for the pundits and not the people, for the camera and not my kids. Edwards, smerdards, yes to Iraq, yes to Patriot Act. No to experience, no to any real heart, as far as I can see. Today is another very sad for me. Not this time, but soon I know I will be forced to leave the Democrats altogether. I’m sick about this choice.
Sounds like trouble in River City.