The terrorists have won

Team USA is out of the gold medal competition in basketball after losing to Argentina in the semi-finals. While the game featured more of the dubious officiating that’s marred the games, the main problem for Team USA was its lack of outside shooting and dominant inside play. These things were directly caused by the NBA … Continue reading “The terrorists have won”

Team USA is out of the gold medal competition in basketball after losing to Argentina in the semi-finals. While the game featured more of the dubious officiating that’s marred the games, the main problem for Team USA was its lack of outside shooting and dominant inside play. These things were directly caused by the NBA pussies who refused to play in Athens, fearing terrorist attacks. I hope we don’t get a lot of whining from the morons who so far have distinguished themselves by their stupidity in blaming the heroes who did show up to play, terrorists be damned, but I know better.

The men who played on this team deserve standing ovations when the NBA season starts, and the pussies who were too afraid to show up deserve nothing but boos.

To Shaq, Kobe, Jermaine, Rip, Ben, Kevin, Jason, and the rest of the cowards who didn’t show up: a pox upon you and your houses. May your child support checks grow ever larger and the criminal charges against you more severe.

One thought on “The terrorists have won”

  1. No kidding … skipping out on the Olympics shows what pampered wussies these NBA stars have become. Yeah, you dudes are so tough you won’t go to Athens, which was about the safest city in the world these past weeks.

    Cheers to the players who *did* go.

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